I asked my spirit guides where I could teach my healing art class entitled, "Colors on Canvas." I did not receive any telepathic answers, but a series of events ensued. I went shopping at one of my favorite stores and met an upbeat, tan, healthy-looking female.
She was a photographer with a very open, natural way about her. After a brief conversation, she decided to give me her card. We ended the conversation exchanging business cards, so we could connect via phone.
After one week, she called me and we talked briefly. She said she had a friend who did work similar to mine (mediumship), and said she would give her my number , so that we could support one another. The very next day I received a call from her friend. She was so excited to talk to someone similar to herself that we agreed to meet that very same day.
I was getting very frustrated with my spirit guides, but I decided to go with the flow. Normally, I am spoiled by instant answers telepathically delivered, but in this case a whole new decoding system was enfolding. I decided that I would be patient and just pay attention.
I went to my evening job which was taking care of a 90 year old woman and was regrouping by sitting in my car and relaxing after getting off work. A blue jay landed on the mirror of my car.
It looked right at me, then flew away. Strange, I thought. Could that be a sign from the universe? But, what does it mean? After about 30 seconds, the blue jay returned and looked me straight in the eyes again. I wondered why the bird was landing within two feet of me and also why it was looking me in the eyes. That got my attention.
The next day a hail storm woke me up by the sound of the hail hitting the bedroom window. It was 4 am. The storm pounded on the roof for about half an hour. By 7 am the storm had passed. I heard a loud squawking that was very close by. From the bedroom, it was so loud that I could hear it squawking. It went on and on. I finally discovered that it was a black crow on the balcony rail. It kept squawking as if it had something important to tell me. It did not stop for about 15 minutes. Ok, I thought. Is that another sign from the universe? But, again not knowing what this new bird language was, how could I be certain what it meant? But, by this time I had to admit that there was a sequence of three bird events. Given a math perspective the formula would be one bird, plus one bird equals two birds. Two jays and one crow. One, two, three. Is this tic-tac-toe?! Was it just my imagination? Maybe, but so what! But, what, exactly , pray tell is the message? I asked where to teach my class and now I am in the position of decoding signs from the universe.
And, since when were my spirit guides in the form of birds? Was it really this difficult to get my attention? What language do my spirit guides speak?
Let's go back to the second person in this story, just in case Mr. Doubt rears his ugly head. For privacy reasons, I am calling her "Annie." Annie and I met for tea and she and I had a wonderful time comparing our stories. Annie and I compared stories and she said she worked at a really joyful, beautiful place. Annie said the owner of the space had rooms for rent that were in alignment with my healing intention and ideal location in a peaceful setting.
I asked her where she worked and she informed me that it was a store called "The Free Byrd Shop.!" Ok, now I think that is the answer to the question of where to teach my class in plain bird lingo!! This is how I decoded my signs from the universe: 1 Bird + 1 Bird + 1 Bird = The Free Byrd Shop ... S-Q-U-A-W-K
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