Love, Soul Mates and Relationships

Pam and the Angelic Gold Light Team have been assisting people for years, with both channeled guidance and karmic clearing, in all aspects of love and relationships.

They help people prepare for a Soul Mate relationships, working on overcoming blockages to love, in finding the soul mate on the inner planes prior to meeting, and opening the heart to love. They also assist with the initial challenges of love, between partners that have just met or that are working through the first layers of karma, as well as issues of commitment, fears of intimacy, and initial obstacles to forming a true love bond.

Pam and her team can also help you uncover your relationship Contracts, so that you may understand if being with this person is for your highest good at this time, the reasons for which you are together, and if and when the relationship can move to the next level or if it is complete.

Pam and her teams also help in understanding what ones mate is feeling and the best course to take during difficult times and the past life reasons that are often at the root of difficulties. Especially when old souls come together, that have much to accomplish as a couple, the first stages of love often consist in clearing old karmic patterns, so a new  and more healthy way of relating can take place. This can be a challenging transition and some assistance can go a long way in smoothing the road ahead.

Pam and the Angelic Gold Light Team also assist with issues such as marriages, break ups, divorces, infidelity, custody issues. And most favorite of all, in preparing the ground for the birth of new Souls (conception and pregnancy).

If you are in a relationship or you are manifesting a relationship, feel free to book some time with Pam and her teams. Email: